Saturday, November 20, 2010

What's happened to Michelago?!

About 50 kms south of Canberra is the village of Michelago. There's not much there and I would imagine that most residents would commute into Canberra for work.
The railway line to Cooma used to pass through Michelago....well, it still does but no trains run on it.
About 15 years back the old railway station was restored.
An annual fair was held at Michelago to which a steam train would operate from Canberra.

On the way back to Canberra from Cooma the other day I decided to stop and see how the place was going and was saddened to discover that the station and its surrounds had fallen into disrepair and was unkempt.
(Click on images for full-size view)

A very sad sight, with the station buildings not maintained, the track overgrown and the surrounding gardens and park gone to hell, with picnic tables and bench seats barely visible in the undergrowth.

What's happened to Michelago? The whole place looks dowdy, uncared for and forgotten.
There used to be an air of civic pride there a decade ago, so what has brought about this decay?

A sorry state of affairs.


  1. So sad.
    Reminds of the current state of the Starlight drive-in sign in Watson. So much history lost.

  2. Yes, Jason.
    The amount of time, money and effort that was put into the restoration of this station back in the '90s has all gone down the toilet.
    whoever is responsible for letting it decay like this should be ashamed of themselves.


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