Monday, February 16, 2015

Tiger Feet and Kitchen Stools

Since living on the far-north coast for over nine months (moved last May from Canberra) I have worn little other than shorts/swimmers, Hawaiian shirts and, on my feet, Birkenstock sandals.

The climate has had its effect; all my life I've tanned easily, turning nut-brown in summer as a child. Back in those days summertime was spent in shorts and little else...not even a top.
So I had to have a laugh when I noticed my feet the other, they aren't dirty stripes but suntan through the gaps between the straps on the Birkies.
Ugly feet, but nice sandals.
I can recommend them for comfort, support and, of course, striped tanning!

The other item in this update relates to the two wooden stools that my wife made for our breakfast bar.

She did all the work, using the power tool equipment available at the Men's (and Women's) Shed located at Townsend, near Maclean.
Timber is (I think) Meranti and all the joints were doweled and glued and the timbers stained and varnished.
The corduroy seat-pads were done by a professional upholsterer using materials supplied by my wife.
Very comfortable items and beautifully made.


  1. Bruce, the good news is that those feet of yours look as though they've got a few thousand more kilometres in 'em before they'll need re-treading. The bad news is that on close scrutiny, I doubt that you'll ever dance for the Royal Ballet again :-D


    1. LOL!!! You cheeky bugger!! :)
      I dunno about "a few thousand"....that may be optimistic. So long as they take me along the beaches for a few more years, I'll be happy.

      Cheers, Roger!


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