Sunday, April 20, 2014

D-Day is set.

Five months almost to the day from when we first advertised our home for sale, contracts were exchanged last week (16th. April) and the agent's poster outside our home now sports a "Sold" sticker.
Settlement date is 30 days from the exchange and that means we have to vacate by midday on the 16th. of May.

It's a funny feeling knowing that in less than a month's time someone else will be living in what we have called home for almost thirty years.
But with autumn temperatures here in Canberra of  17 degrees maximum and 2 degrees minimum for today/tonight and Yamba being 25 degrees and 17 degrees respectively then I know where I want to be come winter!

This morning I did my regular 1.6 kilometre walk and took a photo of the autumn colours now becoming more prevalent each day.
We will miss this aspect of the seasons when we move; deciduous trees are not common on the far north coast and the change from summer to autumn goes almost unnoticed.


  1. Great news Bruce and I'm so pleased for you that everything is working out the way you hoped.


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