Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Colours, Crabapples, Currawongs & a Cat!

The colours of the Persian Witch-hazel are utterly brilliant this year - so vivid as to be almost unbelievable.
This tree currently has pride of place with its autumn display in the front garden now that the English Elm has lost just about all her leaves.
Immediately outside one of the front windows (and 90 degrees from the window that displays the Persian Witch-hazel) is our sole Crabapple tree.
Two years ago I harvested the fruit and made Crabapple jelly - six full buckets of Crabapples gave me less than a dozen small jars (250 -300 grams) of the jelly.
The process was so tedious that last year and again this autumn I decided to let the birds have their fill, so we've seen King Parrots, Cockatoos and Currawongs make the most of the crop.
The Currawongs are the keenest.
They come down - usually in groups of 8 or 10 - and go for the fruit that has fallen onto the ground.
They swallow them whole and must have nitric acid in their stomachs in order to digest them!
They are as tart as a bushel of unripe lemons and if you pluck a ripe one (all red) and nibble it then you'll end up with grimace to end all grimaces.
Maybe next year I'll be masochistic enough to have another go at the Crabapple jelly but in the meantime the birds can have their way with them.

I mentioned the Cockatoos.
Here are three of them going for the parrot food that my wife puts out each day.
She doesn't like the cockies getting to it - she makes it available for the King Parrots but you can't stand out there shooing the cockies away.

Rosie, our 18-month old cat, has found a lovely sunny spot on these crisp, clear autumn mornings.
For about an hour she wedges herself into the gap between the side window at the front door and the indoor pot-plant basket and soaks up the rays!
When the sun moves away, so does she - off to another window to follow the warmth down the northern side of the house.


  1. Lovely pictures Bruce. Your story about your cat reminded me of something that happened the other day. My neighbour's cat Mouchou who's great friends with Toddie my dog was sitting on a tree stump near my back door. I stroked him and had a little chat as you do and all of a sudden he jumped up and squeezed through a small hole in my wall and got into my 'grenier' (attic). I turned the light on up there and climbed up the outside stairs to find him and he was hiding behind a big old box someone had left up there. I tried to chase him out but instead of heading for the open door, the little perisher shot the other way into a tiny dark space formed by the angle of my bedroom wall and ceiling and the roof joists and tiles. Just after he'd done it, the light flashed and I was worried the little devil had found a wire somewhere and electrocuted himself! I haven't seen him for several days since but my neighbour told me last night that he was OK. Cats! Little devils more like :-)

  2. Thanks, Roger.
    Is that the same black & white cat sitting in your birdbath?! :)


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