Saturday, August 25, 2012

That Life-changing Event

I went into retirement yesterday after my position with the business for whom I've worked since 2006 was made redundant.

Retrenched for the second time in my life - the first was in 2001 when my employer shut up shop here in Canberra in a knee-jerk reaction to the World Trade Centre disaster, where they had their New York offices.
So in 2002 I left management for a while - five years, to be precise - until February 2006, when I commenced the job from which I've just been dumped.

This time I'm looking at the retrenchment as being life's way of easing me out of the workforce, at least on a full-time basis.
After nearly 50 years earning a living, I suppose that it's time I accepted that I am now allowed to step back and relax.